identity Visual Identity Design

If your brand had no identity, noone would be able to understand or memorize it. It is very important to have a clear visual identity and keep it consistent from channel to channel — it’s the foundation where all successful marketing communication is built on.


We help you in creating a unique, original, fitting and memorable name, logo (including visual identity manual), business card and office & vehicle branding!

Logo Design

A great company needs a great logo. And sometimes a product of the company needs its own logo to be designed as well! Logo designs that are unique, interesting, functional and to-the-point are all made in Kala Ruudus. We make the logo tell a tale either about the company’s field or way of business, including its values in it.

The crutial differentiation of any brand or product starts with its visual identity, from designing a great logo.


Coporate Visual Identity Manual Design

When the logo is designed it’s time to establish the visual style of the brand in all channels. Keeping a consistent look, your clients understand and remember you much better. You also look more trustworthy.

Corporate Visual Identity Manual (CVI, CIM) consists of visual examples how to show the brand in different channels. How the logo should be used, and how it should never be used on a design. What are the font styles and colours of the brand and how to use them. Are there any patterns that add to the look. And how the company’s business cards, branded cars etc should look like.

Office Branding and Vechicle Design

The office of a company, it’s vehicle park and sometimes employees’ working clothes are marketing communication channels like any other. We help you to design and brand your office space and make your vehicles look attractive and work as a great communication channel with thought-through designs.



Sündmuste korraldamine
Trükireklaamid ja trükised
Videote tootmine ja animatsioonid
Logode tegemine ja firmagraafika
Veebilehtede disain ja arendus

LITHME Augmented Reality

LITHME Virtual Reality

Explainer video: Emergence of Surface Forms

Explainer Video: New Rules of Flying Drones

Veebilehe kujundus

Web design/coding: AIRPA

Video installation: March deportation 70

Tänukingitus töötajale

Business gift: Net Group

Veebidisain: Tiigriorg

Web design: Tiigriorg

Veebidisain: Directory of Saas

Web Design: Directory of SaaS

Veebidisain: Hingele Pai

Web design: Hingele Pai

E-card: Parliament of Estonia 2018

Reklaamkingitus: Stokker

Business gift: Stokker

Nopri reklaam ajakirjas

Print ad: Nopri

Reklaam ajakirjas

Print ad: Books

Vertical arenduse logodisain

Logo design: Vertical

Marjamaa arenduse logodisain

Logo design: Marjamaa development

Logo design: La Rumbi restaurant

Reklaam bussidel: kui juhid, siis juhi

Ad on Bus: If you drive, then drive

Roll-up reklaamide disain ja tootmine

Roll-up ads

Roclite trükireklaamid

Outdoor ad and roll-up: Roclite

Veebidisain ja veebiarendus

Web Design:

Veebidisain ja arendus maandumisleht

Web design: If you drive, then drive

Välimeediareklaam Maanteeameti sotsiaalkampaania

Outdoor ad: Road Safety for Young People

Radius Machining logodisain

Identity Design: Radius Machining

Logode valmistamine EIHR

Logo design: Estonian Institute of Human Rights

Mündriku residents logodisain

Logo design: Mündriku Residence

Joogafestival logo

Logo design: Yoga festival

Veebiagentuur logo disainimine

Logo design: Fenomen

Veski Mati makaronitester trüki erilahendus

Funny print ad: Veski Mati pasta-tester

Logodisain Oru hotell

Logo design: Oru Hotel

elemental logo disain

Logo design: Elemental

Krausberg logodisain

Identity design: Krausberg

Exhibition Design: Polar Bears in Tallinn Zoo

Product video: Ella Hopfeldt

Explainer Video: The Energy Check

Explainer video: Climate Change Explained

Conference video clip: Human Rights in the Digital Age

E-card: Parliament of Estonia

TV Ad: Road Administration, distractive driving

TV Ad: Road Administration for Kids

Explainer Video: Football Ticketing System

Web Design: Folderit

Makettide valmistamine Autoekspert

Model: Autoekspert

makettide valmistamine - koostootmisjaam

Model: Koostootmisjaam

ürituskorraldus firmajuubel l

Event: Liisi Liising 20

konverentsi korraldamine noortekonverents

Event: Children and Young People conference



Advertising agency Kala Ruudus

Address: Toompuiestee 33A, 10149, Tallinn, Estonia
Reg. code: 10280963
Telephone: +372 631 3388