PR Agency in Tallinn, Estonia
In Tallinn, Estonia, there are a few dozen public relations companies that are engaged in creating, maintaining or restoring the reputation of their clients. Although all this can be done to some extent with advertising, a public relations company or public relations agency differs from an advertising or design agency in many ways. For clients who desire to establish or change their image, best choice is a full-service agency that is equally professional in marketing and public relations, and that knows down to the smallest detail how to combine different fields and tools.
Kala Ruudus public relations team in Tallinn, Estonia is here to help you with:

Text Creation
Creating texts – be it a journalistic text such as an article or press release; an interview or an opinion editorial; comment or specialist story. But also, more complex letters to important customers, website texts, copywriting, social media posts or even Christmas card poems. Every true public relations practitioner can always put the words according to the situation, the client, the environment and time.
Media Analysis
Media analysis to find out the position of the client compared to competitors and other 3rd parties. Regular media analysis allows you to react quickly and use the right tools and messages.

Strategic Counselling
Strategic counselling, which includes correct and timely use of tactical tools to support client’s business strategy.
Communication Plans
Preparation of communication plans, i.e. chronological and thematic ranking of the most useful media activities for the client with competent speakers, relevant endorsing 3rd parties and best suitable KPIs.
Organizing events – may it be a press conference, a media breakfast, a small seminar for key clients or a major annual conference – we got you covered! Customer events are always part of the reputation and therefore it is important that they are consistent with other activities (e.g. media and social media activities, direct communication with customers, customer materials, etc.).
Media Training
Media trainings that are essential for all speakers, including those who communicate with the media daily, and those who do it ad-hoc. Media training provides an overview of the theory, i.e. how the media works, what needs to be done when communicating with the media, what tricks and tactics to use, and what to avoid. The second part of media training is camera training, where speakers give interviews on difficult topics and are then analysed by professional trainers. A subset of media training is crisis training, which we conduct together with the best professionals in the Baltics and is necessary for all organizations that do not operate in a vacuum.
Crisis Communication
Crisis communication, which is usually needed when bad things have already happened, and the organization must get out of the problems with as little loss as possible. Crisis communication is very tense for both clients and public relations, because even the nastiest misspelled word or comment can be a hurt instead. A professional public relations officer knows this situation easily and can provide valuable advice. Our public relation professionals work in a crisis situation around the clock.
In addition to this, our PR agency in Tallinn also deals with establishing a reputation in social media. Although social media activities are often considered to be the domain of an advertising or marketing agency, only professional and strategically active public relations practitioners can pay enough attention to the customer’s business strategy, parallel communication activities, and the best wording that brings the likes and fans without consumer games.
So, public relations people create news and initiate great topics that concern a lot of people. Good professionals do it so that the good ideas of the customers rise to the flight, conquer the world and benefit as many people as possible.
Of course, there are also situations where the public relations task and purpose is to change the laws and regulations. Such activities are called lobby, or government relations. Lobby is part of democracy and is not in any way corrupt when it is done legally and so that the names and objectives of all beneficiaries are known.
In conclusion. If your organisation wants to talk about its products, sesrvices and achievements, but you don’t know where to start or how to do it, contact us and our professional public relations staff will help.
Our Public Relations team is led by one of the best-known PR specialists in Estonia, Mr Jaan Vare.
Jaan has been working in various media areas since 1994 when he started at a national newspaper as business news reporter. Following to this, he has been working as editor and editor-in-chief in newspapers and in technology magazines. As an accomplished journalist, Jaan has written for newspapers, magazines and online portals for more than 20 years. He has been also ghostwriting for different business executives.
Jaan has been practicing public relations for more than 15 years. He started as a freelance consultant, moved on to DaimlerChrysler where he was responsible for multi-country communication, and after that served as public relations lead in Microsoft Corporation.
During his career, Jaan has been counselling politicians and businesses in IT, banking, automotive, tourism, energy and many other sectors. He has been working for and with leading brands like Huawei, ASUS, CITIC Telecom, Tieto, Atea, Tetra Pak, Eucerin, Mercedes-Benz, Chrysler, Jeep, LEGO, Latvenergo, Elektrum, Eesti Pandipakend, SK ID Solutions, Smart-ID and many others. Jaan has also worked as project lead for EU campaigns like Ex-smokers are unstoppable and Croatia joining European Union.
Jaan is specialised in strategic and crisis communication. He has been training and coaching international businesses and spokespersons about crisis management, media relations and creative writing. Jaan has spoken on several conferences and seminars about strategic communication, crisis management and social media development.
2015-2017, Jaan served as board member in Transparency International Estonian Chapter. During this time, he trained public sector servants about avoiding corruption, participated in political roundtables and was co-responsible for creating transparent lobbying regulations in Estonia.
For last years, Jaan has been mentoring start-uppers about marketing, communication and strategic planning.
Advertising agency Kala Ruudus
Reg. code: 10280963
Telephone: +372 631 3388